College and Career Readiness

Principles of College and Career Readiness 

Creating the conditions for young people to reach their full potential

Out-of-school time (OST) allows youth to further explore and develop skills related to career interests in more engaging settings. OST programs are a fantastic place to begin learning about different types of careers and the multiple paths that lead young people to a satisfying future.  

WYAA’s College and Career Readiness Toolkit features six units that offer a comprehensive guide to help middle and high school out-of-school-time programs get laser focused on building 21st century skills and supporting young people as they navigate through the complex world of planning for their advanced education and careers. 

Unit 1: Principles of College and Career Readiness

Unit 1: Principles of Career and College Readiness

  1. Creating A College and Career Readiness Culture in OST Programs
  2. Framing College-Going Culture
  3. Mentorship
  4. Balancing Priorities and Resources
  5. Creating an Evaluation Plan

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Unit 2: Guiding Youth Through College and Career Decisions

Unit 2: Guiding Youth Through College and Career Readiness

  1. Engaging Elementary Aged Youth
  2. Engaging Middle School Youth
  3. Engaging High School Youth

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Unit 3: Skills for College and Career Readiness

Unit 3: Foundational Skills for College and Career Readiness

  1. Building 21st Century Skills
  2. Job Readiness Skills
  3. Jumping into the Market

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Unit 4: College and Career Options in Wyoming

Unit 4: Career Readiness

  1. Career Awareness
  2. Work Experience
  3. Certificates/Licenses
  4. Military
  5. Trade Schools

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Unit 5: College Options in Wyoming

Unit 5: College Options in Wyoming

  1. Community Colleges in Wyoming
  2. Four-Year Colleges in Wyoming

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Unit 6: Paying for College

Unit 6: Paying for College

  1. Scholarships
  2. Wyoming Community Foundation Scholarships
  3. Hathaway
  4.  FAFSA
  5. Grants
  6. Loans
  7. Work-Study

Download the Unit

Many thanks to the Maryland Out of School Time (MOST) Network 50 State Afterschool Network for supporting this work!  

Photo Credit: Million Girls Moonshot fstop123, Million Girls Moonshot Getty Images, 50 State Afterschool Network

Mission: We bridge the gap between Wyoming’s out-of-school programs and the communities they uplift, fueling them with resources, support and opportunities that inspire lifelong learning, growth and connection.


1472 N. 5th Street, Suite 201
Laramie, WY 82072
Phone: 307-721-8300


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