College and Career Readiness

Principles of College and Career Readiness 

Creating the conditions for young people to reach their full potential

Out-of-school time (OST) allows youth to further explore and develop skills related to career interests in more engaging settings. OST programs are a fantastic place to begin learning about different types of careers and the multiple paths that lead young people to a satisfying future.  

WYAA’s College and Career Readiness Toolkit features six units that offer a comprehensive guide to help middle and high school out-of-school-time programs get laser focused on building 21st century skills and supporting young people as they navigate through the complex world of planning for their advanced education and careers. 

Unit 1: Principles of College and Career Readiness

Unit 1: Principles of Career and College Readiness

  1. Creating A College and Career Readiness Culture in OST Programs
  2. Framing College-Going Culture
  3. Mentorship
  4. Balancing Priorities and Resources
  5. Creating an Evaluation Plan

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Unit 2: Guiding Youth Through College and Career Decisions

Unit 2: Guiding Youth Through College and Career Readiness

  1. Engaging Elementary Aged Youth
  2. Engaging Middle School Youth
  3. Engaging High School Youth

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Unit 3: Skills for College and Career Readiness

Unit 3: Foundational Skills for College and Career Readiness

  1. Building 21st Century Skills
  2. Job Readiness Skills
  3. Jumping into the Market

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Unit 4: College and Career Options in Wyoming

Unit 4: Career Readiness

  1. Career Awareness
  2. Work Experience
  3. Certificates/Licenses
  4. Military
  5. Trade Schools

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Unit 5: College Options in Wyoming

Unit 5: College Options in Wyoming

  1. Community Colleges in Wyoming
  2. Four-Year Colleges in Wyoming

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Unit 6: Paying for College

Unit 6: Paying for College

  1. Scholarships
  2. Wyoming Community Foundation Scholarships
  3. Hathaway
  4.  FAFSA
  5. Grants
  6. Loans
  7. Work-Study

Download the Unit

Many thanks to the Maryland Out of School Time (MOST) Network 50 State Afterschool Network for supporting this work!  

Photo Credit: Million Girls Moonshot fstop123, Million Girls Moonshot Getty Images, 50 State Afterschool Network

Mission: The Wyoming Afterschool Alliance is a statewide network working to create the conditions for young people to reach their full potential. We are a priority fund of the Wyoming Community Foundation.


1472 N. 5th Street, Suite 201
Laramie, WY 82072
Phone: 307-721-8300


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