We believe that Wyoming’s most important natural resource is our young people. Please help us to recognize a few of these extraordinary gems in honor of the Wyoming Young Entrepreneur Pitch Challenge. These young people are problem solvers and innovators for Wyoming’s future!
10-14 Age Group:
- 1st Place (Tie): Audrey Hendricks: Moon, Farson
- 1st Place (Tie): Kayleigh Lund: webRite, Lyman
15-17 Age Group:
- 1st Place (Tie): Carson Rabou: Rabros, Albin
- 1st Place (Tie): Holly Draney: A Girl and Her Horse, Auburn
Diesel from Cora, Wyoming won the 4-H Sublette County Pitch Challenge when he was a 9-year old with his idea for Square Top Designs. Three years later, his business is going strong! WYAA was honored to feature Diesel in our modules.
Thanks to Hilltop Bank and the 4-H Foundation for stepping up as sponsors. Their support will allow us to provide further seed funding as young entrepreneurs continue to develop their projects. The activities and competition are the result of a broad partnership with the University of Wyoming, Impact 307, Wyoming 4-H, the Wyoming Business Alliance, afterschool organizations statewide, and many volunteers.
This effort is made possible through a grant to the Wyoming Afterschool Alliance from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, which includes support for technical assistance from the Young Entrepreneur Institute and VentureLab. The grant is intended to promote innovation and an entrepreneurial mindset for youth in Wyoming. Special thanks to the three community leaders who served as judges for the contest, President and CEO of the Wyoming Community Foundation Craig Showalter, Central Wyoming College Instructor of Business Kyle Trumble, and CEO of the Boys & Girls Club of Douglas Michele Carter.

Mission: We bridge the gap between Wyoming’s out-of-school programs and the communities they uplift, fueling them with resources, support and opportunities that inspire lifelong learning, growth and connection.