Supplemental Materials
- Quick Guide: Implementing the Summer Activity Guide
- Quick Guide: Safety Considerations for Virtual Programming
- Family Resource: Supporting Youth at Home
- Family Resource: Supporting Virtual Summer Programming in the Home
- Family Resource: Recognizing and Managing Stress in Youth
- Staff Resource: Supporting Your Emotional Well-Being
- Staff Resource: Recognizing and Managing Stress in Youth
Unit 1: Who I Am
- Activities for Ages 5-9
- Activities for Ages 10-12
- Activities for Ages 13-15
- Activities for Ages 16-18
- Who I Am Supply List
- Who I Am Implementation Video: Watch an instructional video from the Georgia Afterschool Network.
Unit 1 in Spanish: Quien Soy
- Spanish: Activities for Ages 5-9
- Spanish: Activities for Ages 10-12
- Spanish: Activities for 13-15
- Spanish: Activities for 16-18
- Spanish: Quick Guide for Implementation
- Spanish: Quick Guide for Virtual Safety
Unit 2: Healthy Living
- Activities for Ages 5-9
- Activities for Ages 10-12
- Activities for Ages 13-15
- Activities for Ages 16-18
- Healthy Life Supply List
- Healthy Life Implementation Video
Unit 2 in Spanish: Vida Saludable
- Spanish: Activities for Ages 5-9
- Spanish: Activities for Ages 10-12
- Spanish: Activities for 13-15
- Spanish: Activities for 16-18
- Spanish: Supply List
Unit 3: Passion & Purpose
- Activities for Ages 5-9
- Activities for Ages 10-12
- Activities for Ages 13-15
- Activities for Ages 16-18
- Passion & Purpose Supply List
- Passion & Purpose Implementation Video
Unit 4: Invention & Imagination
- Activities for Ages 5-9
- Activities for Ages 10-12
- Activities for Ages 13-15
- Activities for Ages 16-18
- Invention & Imagination Supply List
- Invention & Imagination Implementation Video
Unit 5: Exploring My World
More Resources: Explore Entrepreneurship!
Wyoming kids are not just about Wyoming’s future, we want to cultivate their abilities to solve problems today. The Wyoming Young Entrepreneur Initiative provides opportunities for young people to practice skills and to give an avenue for them to be problem solvers and innovators for Wyoming’s future. Skills such as empathy, the identification of problems, critical thinking, creativity, teamwork and prototyping are developed as a part of the practice of entrepreneurial thinking. Learn more at

Mission: We bridge the gap between Wyoming’s out-of-school programs and the communities they uplift, fueling them with resources, support and opportunities that inspire lifelong learning, growth and connection.